Dental Office Dr. Behar’s is the practice with  20 years of experience in private practice. With the continuous improvement and education, modern materials and equipment, we are providing the best service to give a healthy and beautiful smile of our patients.

With our knowledge we would like to provide above all, a preventive effect on the consciousness of our patients about their oral health, and with the methods of modern dentistry we are dealing with the  illness of your mouth and teeth.

As a dental private practitioners we truly believe, that preventive care and education,are the path to optimal oral health. We strive to provide dental health care. Therefore, through discussion with the patient, we are focused on the overall condition of the mouth, teeth and gums. We use X-ray, only when necessary. Our aim is good dental health for you and your family, through preventative. So, we give you advice, direct conversation we try to give you advice how with the care for your teeth is possible to reduce the need for dental treatment. We recommend that you regularly perform routine removal of dental plaque and soft plaque, and floss. We are not primarily focused on your beautiful smile, we are caring for your health too.

Orden viteza privatnog zdravstvenog sektora Srbije dr Mladen Behara
Orden viteza privatnog zdravstvenog sektora Srbije dr Mladen Behara

Prim Dr Mladen Behara
specijalista stomatološke protetike
+ 381 (62) 8-617-988

Medicinska sestra

Stomatološka sestra
+ 381 (32) 322-656